Mark Your Calendar!

The 9th AMEA Bitumen and Base Oil conference will be held on November 25th, 2024 in Mumbai

Petrosil 9th AMEA Conference and Exhibition Program Summary
November 25th, 2024
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
November 25th, 2024
Registration, Exhibition Table Setup and Coffee
9:00 AM - 5:30 PM Networking and Exhibition in Ballrooms I, 2, 3, 4 and 5
9:00 AM - 5:30 PM Convention Meeting Rooms on 1st Floor
10:45 - 11:15 AM Tea, Coffee and Snacks Networking Break in Grand Ballroom
12:30 - 3 PM Lunch for Delegates in O59
12:30 - 3 PM Lunch for Sponsors in Citrus and Jamavar
4:15 PM - 4:45 PM Tea, Coffee and Snacks Networking Break in Grand Ballroom
06:00 PM End of 9th AMEA Conference and Exhibition

Speakers and Panel

Will be update soon

View and Download the AMEA India 2024 Brochure

AMEA Conference Fees

(Bitumen and Base Oil Conference will be held on November 25th, 2024).

Bitumen and Base Oil Conference Full Fee US$ 799
Bitumen and Base Oil Early Bird Fee
(payment by October 16th, 2024)
US$ 599
Bitumen and Base Oil Indian Fee
(please see conditions below)
Rs. 31,000 plus GST
Bitumen and Base Oil Indian Early Bird Fee
(payment by October 16th, 2024)
Rs. 24,000 plus GST
People from SAARC nations are eligible for the India fees more details.

For all foreign delegates, applying for conference or business visas to visit India and attend the event is mandatory.

Website registration is mandatory to confirm your participation for the conference

SAVE 25%
Early Bird Fees!
Register by
October 16th, 2024
Register Now

Diamond Sponsors

Hormozan Oil Petro Sanat Hormozan

Bronze Sponsor

Titanium Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor


Quartz Sponsor


Gold Sponsor

RDR Energy

Silver Sponsor

Lanyard Sponsor

Lunch Host

Ecos Daily Way

Crystal Sponsor

Radon Sponsor


Amethyst Sponsor


Tanzanite Sponsor

Associate Sponsors

Website registration is mandatory to confirm your participation for the conference

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